Is this neighborhood right for you?
Is this neighborhood right for you and your family? Not only that, will it be right for the next 5 years?
✅ Safety of the Neighborhood
➡️ Check the crime stats
➡️ Is there a neighborhood watch group established in the area?
➡️ Is there adequate street lighting?
➡️ Have you talked with neighbors?
✅ Proximity to Necessities
➡️ How far is the closest grocery store?
➡️ How far is the closest pharmacy?
➡️ Department stores? Movie theaters?
✅ School District
➡️ How are the school's test scores?
➡️ What kind of extracurricular activities are available?
➡️ How are the sports programs?
Let's find your perfect neighborhood!
(403) 620-2800
Gary 'Mr Action' Fayerman
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