Nearly two-thirds of recent renters are thinking about moving again within the next three years, with about one in five considering moving in the next year, according to current housing trends. This means it is important as a landlord to find good tenants. Here are a few good ways to find suitable tenants for your rental home.
➡️ Property manager/leasing agent. The best property managers have an in-depth knowledge of the local rental market and may already have a waiting list of tenants that are ready, willing, and qualified to rent.
➡️ Open houses. Holding a rental property open house can also be a good way to point out unique features of the home, get an initial impression of prospective tenants, and discuss applicant qualifications such as income-to-rent ratio, pet fees, and move-in dates.
➡️ Rental listing sites. Nearly every demographic group, from Generation Z and millennials to Generation X and baby boomers, use online resources like rental listing websites to find a home to rent.
Are you looking for a property manager or leasing agent to find a tenant for your rental home? Contact me today to be set up with the very best folks in my referral network!
(403) 620-2800
Gary "Mr. Action" Fayerman
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